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Volume 1, Issue 2

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Volume 1, Issue 2

Management of Productivity


Sateesh Kumar Ojha


Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal


Productivity is the major concern of every modern organisations irrespective of their types-business, government, and social. Every organisation strives towards increasing productivity; however, the very few organisations out of the total established have been successful. Hence, this article tries to investigate what factors determine the productivity, what problems occur in the organizations in production process, who is responsible for such non-productive organisations, how can be assessed that organisations are unproductive, how concern authorities from inside the organisations (managers) and outside the organisations (government authorities) tackle the situations, etc., are the issues this articles raised and tried to answer. Based on the information received from the experiences of some authorities of some organisations, this article is prepared. The sample for the information was the employees, managers and government officials. A number of researches done elsewhere were reviewed. Finding suggests that external and internal both the factors are responsible for productivity loss.


Productivity, Productivity Prob- lems, Productivity Council, Productivity Measurement, Benchmarking, Productivity Improvement Program, Job Design.

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