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Volume 4, Issue 1

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Volume 4, Issue 1

Combined Scale for Measurement of Job Outcomes


Parvez A. Mir, Jaya Bhasin and Gowhar Rasool

  1. Islamic University of Science and Technology, Kashmir
  2. Central University of Jammu, Jammu
  3. Central University of Jammu, Jammu

The present study attempts to develop, validate and measure the impact of different dimensions of Job Outcomes. The study was carried in IT sector with overall sample of 379. The initial scale refinement was done by removing the outliers and subsequently factor analysis (EFA) was carried for dimension reduction. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to measure the Convergent Validity, Internal consistency and Discriminant validity of the scale. First and Second order measurement models for the scale were also developed with the help of AMOS 22.


Employees Job Outcomes, EFA, CFA

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