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SYMUNC has consistently encouraged students across the country to find their passion and realize their full potential. SCMS NOIDA hosted its Annual Symbiosis Model United Nations Conference (SYMUNC 2023), an intercollegiate model UN conference on 3rd and 4th February 2023. Delegates from all over India attended the 9th edition of SYMUNC, which was held offline on campus. SYMUNC 2023 was a huge success that managed to make a dent in the community, reaching its objective of around 250 delegates while also attracting international involvement.

The conference commenced on 3rd February 2023 with an Opening Ceremony. Our Honorable Chief Guest Major General S.P. Sinha gave an inspiring speech to the delegates about the importance of today’s youth being engaged and involved with the political process, while also strongly emphasizing on patriotism. Sanya Malik, the Secretary General, declared the conference open in the ceremony.

SYMUNC hopes that delegates will deepen their understanding of world affairs while developing their skills in debate, public speaking, and negotiation. SYMUNC continues to stay committed to the values of diplomacy, rigorous debate, and diversity and inclusion.

There were six committees in SYMUNC 23:

  • United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
  • United Nations Commission on the status of Women (UNCSW)
  • United Nations General Assembly- Disarmament and International Security Committee (UNGA-DISEC)
  • United Nations General Assembly- Economic and Social Council (UNGA-ECOSOC)
  • All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM)
  • International Press (IP)

In a time of unpredictability and chaos, SYMUNC offers a platform for individuals to discuss their thoughts and theories on hot-button political issues and policies while still acting with some semblance of diplomatic decorum. The conference's committees had agendas for discussing various global issues, which are as follows:

1) UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) - The Council investigates allegations of breaches of human rights in United Nations member states and addresses thematic human rights issues like freedom of association and assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of belief and religion, women's rights, LGBT rights, and the rights of racial and ethnic minorities.
Agenda:- Emphasis on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance with special emphasis on Islamophobia.

2) ECOSOC (The United Nations Economic and Social Council) - ECOSOC serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations System. It has 54 members. In addition to a rotating membership of 54 UN member states.
Agenda: - Minimizing economic shock in a globalized economy with an emphasis on uplifting rural areas.

3) UNGA DISEC (The United Nations General Assembly First Committee) - It is one of six main committees at the General Assembly of the United Nations. It deals with disarmament and international security matters.
Agenda :- Discussion on the issue of offshore military bases in non - national territories.

4) UNCSW (United Nations Commission on the Status of Women) :-It has been described as the UN organ promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women.Every year, representatives of Member States gather at United Nations Headquarters in New York to evaluate progress on gender equality.
Agenda :- Discussion and deliberation on the loopholes and drawbacks of existing legislation of states with regard to women and 5th SDG 2030.

5) AIPPM (All India Political Parties Meet) - It is a meeting between all the political parties of the nation. Typically called before the session of the Parliament or before the introduction of a bill, this committee aims to arrive at a consensus before the sessions begin.
Agenda :- Discussion on the upgradation of the status of Jammu and Kashmir to possible re-establishment of statehood.

6) International Press - Instead of representing the interests of a single country, the International Press Delegation allows participants to act as unbiased journalists, reporting on the proceedings of each simulation in the Conference.

The conference was a two-day affair, where the committees were assigned to take place in different rooms. The Organizing Committee was responsible for showcasing hospitality to delegates while the simulation took place. There were rigorous discussions that took place, with the end goal of every committee to pass a Resolution which points out the problems that the countries want to solve along with the proposed solutions to those problems.

SYMUNC'23 is an event that the entire organizing committee and the participating delegates put their heart and soul into to make it a success. A lot of positive feedback was given by the delegates towards various aspects of the conference, such as the food and the ambience. The faculty made sure to oversee the entire process and provide guidance to each individual who helped in making SYMUNC a success.

Chief guest Prof. Sanjeev Chaturvedi gave an encouraging speech for all the delegates during the Closing Ceremony, after which Nishanth Reddy Bhavanam, the Deputy Secretary General and Archita Jain, the Director General closed the conference on 4th February 2023 on a positive note. With such high spirit, The Literary Club hopes to build on the history that is already recognised as one of the greatest in the region.