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Volume 7, Issue 1

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Volume 7, Issue 1

Is Smartphone a Healthy Choice for Youngsters?


Sunita Dwivedi


Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, NOIDA


The purpose of the study is to investigate the connections between cell phone habit, technostress, and conflict behavior. We additionally need to know whether technostress altogether impacts conflict behavior and intervenes in the connection between cell phone dependence and conflict behavior. We likewise attempted to discover which dimension of conflict behavior (inter, intra and academic) is generally affected by cell phone habit. Response was collected from Delhi- NCR.The respondents represent different social strata and are in the age groups between 17 to 66 years. Study is exploratory in nature and applied to a quantitative method (SEM) to determine the relation between cell phone dependence, technostress and conflict behavior. The results of the examination upheld the goals of the exploration inferring that cell phone dependency quantifiably drives technostress among heavy users and gives an explanation behind creating conflict behavior. Additionally, technostress altogether intercedes the relation between cell phone usage and conflict behavior instead of directly affecting it. At last, we inferred that cell phone fixation generally prompts intra-private matter among people than inter and academic conflicts. This examination has solid ramifications for web based Gaming Industries to reconsider their gaming rules and conditions. Further study can be useful for HR Managers to apply different OD Interventions to manage issues related to stress impact employee well-being.


Smartphone Addiction, Technostress, Conflict Behavior

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