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Volume 2, Issue 1

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Volume 2, Issue 1

An empirical study to Understand the Factors that Influences Consumer Buying Behavior in Organized Housing Projects with Special Reference to Delhi-NCR.


Shamsher Singh and Ameet Sao

  1. Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075, India
  2. RICS School of Built Environment, Block-F2, Fifth Floor, Amity University, Sector -125Noida 201301, (UP) India

Indian housing sector is growing at a very rapid rate. There is a great demand for organized houses. This study takes up the question of buying behavior and the reason for the preference of Housing Projects in a wide context. It tries to identify the existing market structure for the product and the factors influencing the customers to buy Housing projects as well as to analyze the purchase behavior of customers in preferring the choice of a House. To prepare an effective marketing strategy, a company must do competitor analysis, pest analysis, value chain analysis, swot analysis as well as its potential and prospect customer. This is especially necessary in a developing economy because sales can be gained only by winning them away from competitor’s offerings. The marketing activities through sales promotion and social media tactics has increased significantly in promoting sales and preparing the ground for future expansion. The use of social media sites as part of a company’s marketing strategy has increased significantly in the past couple of years. The study has used the primary data to analyze the significant factors through ANOVA, and Factor analysis which differ across different demographic variables such as age, income, education, occupation, gender & lifestyle.


Organized Housing, Marketing Strategy, prospective customer, social media

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