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Volume 2, Issue 2

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Strategic HR Imperatives for Indian Public Sector Banks


Shalini Shukla


University of Lucknow, Lucknow


India being one of the largest economies in the world is gradually emerging as major economic force to reckon with. Major growth has been realized due to proactive as well as reactive changes in the Indian business environment and strategic postures adopted by companies. Banking sector is the mirror of any economy through which financial health of that country can be predicted, India is not an exception. In India public sector banks accounted for more 70 percent assets of total banking industry. Their performance and outcomes have major impact on growth of country India. Due to the globalisation and deregulatory forces, the competitive structure of banking industry has gone for tremendous changes. These changes imposing various challenges in front of public sector bank to overcome with and align their key areas with their strategic requirement, rather than being stick on traditional and conventional approach of banking. Therefore, it becomes imperative for Public Sector Banks (PSB) to identify various existing mismatches between their strategies, environmental moves and ultimate goals and objectives to deliver best value to their customer and adduce their position in hyper competitive market.

Study present number of imperatives for HR professional, authorities and bud researchers.


Strategic mismatch, Challenges for PSB, Public Sector banks, Competitiveness, HRM

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