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Volume 3, Issue 1

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Volume 3, Issue 1

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Entrepreneurial Orientation of Enterprises Owned by Women Entrepreneur


Shailja Dixit and Sana Moid


Amity Business School, Amity University Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh


The increasing growth of women entrepreneurs all over the world has disapproved the myth that entrepreneurship is associated with men. Entrepreneurial Orientation of men and women entrepreneurs owned enterprise remarkably differentiates in terms of their personality, working style, outlook and approach towards entrepreneurial situations, interactions and leadership. Intelligence and Emotions are the two basic factors that control and influence personality traits that results in the growth of entrepreneurial potential. In the modern world of entrepreneurs emotions are carefully crafting its niche.

Women are born with innate sense of Emotional Intelligence. Does possessing higher degree of Emotional Intelligence the key for the success and the prompt growth of women entrepreneurs? However, to date, the relationship between emotional intelligence and gender has been scarcely examined. Thus the present study tries to investigate the role of emotional intelligence for women entrepreneurs ‘growth and explains how they strike the perfect balance between individual and social skills.


Emotional Intelligence, Women Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurial Success, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurial Skills, Social Skills

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