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Volume 5, Issue 2

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Volume ,5 Issue 2

Is Psychological Capital Related to Employability Skills of Graduate Students?


Rachita Rawat and Dr Ritu Sharma

  1. Post graduate Organisational Psychology, AIPS, AUUP, NOIDA
  2. Assistant Professor, Senior Grade, AIPS, AUUP, NOIDA

Employability constitutes a set of accomplishments – various skills, understandings and individual characteristics – that shape graduates more probable to secure employment and to be successful in their selected career/occupations. Students’ perceived employability involve proper education along with job tenure and competence development. Psychological capital refers to the positive and constructive state of a person. This study aimed at understanding the impact of psychological capital on employability skills of recent graduates (Technical and Non-technical students). Simultaneously, this study tries to explore relationships between psychological capital and perceived employability skills, the difference between technical and Non-technical graduates (recent) in terms of employability skills and psychological capital and difference between graduates on employability skills in terms of gender. The sample (N = 200) was gathered through purposive sampling technique from both male and female graduates of technical and non- technical branches and Participants’ age ranges from 20 to 25 years. Data was collected with the help of total five scales: AHS, LOT-R, GSE, BRS, and Employability Scale (Rothwell, Jewell, & Hardie, 2009) and analyzed. The results revealed that three components of Psychological Capital out of four (Self-efficacy, optimism & Hope) are significantly related to both perceived employability skills and Self- perceived employability. Further, it was also investigated that participants from Non-technical background have scored more on variables such as overall employability & self-perceived employability than participants from a technical background and a significant difference among employability skills in terms of gender exist.


Employability Skills, Psychological Capital, Educational Backgrounds and Graduates

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