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Volume 5, Issue 1

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Volume 5, Issue 1

Job Embeddedness


Harshita Agrawal and Anushree Singh

  1. Research Scholar, Institute of Management, Commerce and Economics, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Deva Road, Lucknow
  2. Assistant Professor, Institute of Management, Commerce and Economics, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Deva Road, Lucknow

Voluntary employee turnover is one of the most concerned areas both for academicians and practioners as far as human resource management (HRM) is concerned. Job embeddedness (JE) is an emerging concept in the field of employee turnover research which suggests some novel & stimulating ways to think about employee retention globally. JE adds uniquely to the prediction of employee turnover and holds a meaningful role in under- standing voluntary employee turnover. However, despite the encouraging implications of the same, not much has been conversed about the practical efficacy of it. Thus the present paper while highlighting the contributions being made by JE to the extant turnover literature put the very concept on the tables of HR practitioners in order to encourage them to study implications of the same in their organizations and further develop strategies to foster it.


Job Embeddedness, Employee Turnover, Employee Retention, Human Resource Management.

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