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Volume 8, Issue 1

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Volume 8, Issue 1



Aman Tibrewal, Rupashi Sehgal, Dr. Shikha Singh


Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, NOIDA, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune India


With the rising technological advancements, various tools like Artificial Intelligence and recommendation are utilized by companies to gain an upper edge in the markets. This paper aims to gain a deeper understanding of how Netflix uses Artificial Intelligence to enable effective usage of the recommendation engines in their business model. To conduct an effective study, this paper follows a triangulation method, under which a literature review was conducted initially to gain a conceptual understanding of the topic. Based on it, structured personal interviews and a survey was conducted. Lastly, a quantitative analysis was executed to gain a deeper insight into the data as collected. This paper aims to gain a deeper insight into the functioning of recommendation systems for Netflix’s Over-the-top (OTT) media services. The paper also focuses upon the usage of Artificial Intelligence technology which acts as a key enabler for Recommendation Engines for efficient and effective utilization to gain a competitive advantage for Netflix. This paper is of value to each individual who seeks to understand the mind behind the model of Netflix and how the user interface allows them to collect data and research upon the viewing habits of their users. It moreover also focuses on the integration of Artificial intelligence in the Recommendation engine at Netflix.


Recommendation Engine, Netflix, Over- the-top (OTT) Media Service, Artificial Intelligence

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