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Volume 6, Issue 2

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Volume 6, Issue 2

Antecedents and Consequences of Student Satisfaction in Higher Education Context


Abdul Rahim Ahmed Munshi


Assistant Professor, ITM Universe Vadodara


This paper aimed at identifying the antecedents and consequences of student satisfaction in higher education context. Service quality, institute Image, word of Mouth, trust and commitment were the variables identified in the studies which were classified into antecedents and consequences. The sample size in the study was367 students selected on the basis of non probability convenience sampling. The above identified variables were measured using existing measurement scales and SEM was used to identify the effect of antecedents of student’s satisfaction and consequences of student satisfaction. It was found that among the various components service quality, faculty individual attention had the highest effect on student satisfaction. It was also found that student satisfaction has a positive effect on institute image and word of mouth which subsequently has an effect on trust and commitment towards the institute.


Service Quality, Higher Education, Student Satisfaction

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