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Volume 4, Issue 1

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Volume 4, Issue 1

Power of Retail Advertising in Breads


Vamini Madan


BBA Student, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Noida (Constituent of Symbiosis International University, Pune)


The case highlights the retail advertising in breads and the impact it creates on the consumer.

Breads is one of the essential products of consumers, it is very difficult to advertise a bread as brands generally doesn’t matter while making purchase decision as cost is almost same and it hardly matters which brand one picks. Hence to make customers pick the particular pack, marketers use different techniques to gauge the attention of the consumers.

The case revolves around the advertising tools used by the top bread brands for making people influence their purchase decision. All that matters in breads is the point of purchase. Therefore all the reasons which impact the purchase decision of the customers are analyzed.


Breads, Consumers, Advertising, Retail

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