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Volume 5, Issue 1

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Volume 5, Issue 1

Pedestrian Accident Prediction Modeling


S. Dass, D.Singhal and P. Aggarwal

  1. Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, DCRUST, Murthal
  2. Professor, Civil Engineering Department, DCRUST, Murthal
  3. Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Kurukshetra

Over 1.2 million people die each year on roads, and between 20 and 50 million suffer non-fatal injuries. In most of the developing countries this epidemic of road accident injuries is still increasing. Road traffic accidents are a major but ignored worldwide problem, requiring intensive efforts for effective prevention. Of all the systems that people have to deal with on a daily basis, road transport is the most complex and the most dangerous. A broad approach is required for improving road safety and reducing the death toll on their roads. In the similar course in this study an attempt has been made to figure out frequent elements which are accountable for accident study in India to develop methods which would provide solution for the same, based on the earlier literature. The studies conducted and stated in the past ten years along with their outcomes and approaches adopted have been reported in this paper. The researchers have also tried to tabulate important explanatory variables and significant.

Although researchers are assuming new methods and many independent variables are being tried into accident prediction modelling but still the outcomes are not decisive.There is a scarcity of studies, which has so far tried to predict accidents by injury severity in India. Comparative influence of variables and effectiveness of different modelling techniques also needs to be tested for different data sets.


Road Accidents, Pedestrian Safety, Accident Prediction Model.

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