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Volume 4, Issue 2

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Volume 4, Issue 2

Financial Autonomy of Women in Punjab


Inderbeer Kaur Aulakh and Rajni Saluja

  1. Assistant Professor, Khalsa College, Patiala (Punjab)
  2. Assistant Professor, Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Amloh (Punjab)

The status of women in the society began to fall since the end of the 18th century because of our societal and family pressures. Education and financial status of women become so weak that they could not even think of their independent career. Economic prosperity is not a sign of social progress for women in Punjab. Another significant characteristic of the status of women in the state is the absence of a homogeneous social, cultural and economic structure that makes any generalizations of women impossible. Despite tall claims of women empowerment, females are less educated than men. There is a need of change of our attitude without which we cannot improve the condition of women. Modern urban working women share equal responsibilities with men but whether they are provided equal rights with men. The question arises whether women have equal say in the process of decision making at household level and in case of other investment decisions. The present study aims to find out autonomy for financial decision making among urban working women of Punjab. The study will also examine investment behavior and risk aversion between genders.


Financial Autonomy, Women Investor, Risk.

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